Hubness reduction

The skhubness.reduction subpackage provides several hubness reduction methods. Currently, the supported methods are

  • Mutual proximity (independent Gaussian distance distribution), provided by MutualProximity with method='normal' (default),

  • Mutual proximity (empiric distance distribution), provided by MutualProximity with method='empiric',

  • Local scaling, provided by LocalScaling with method='standard' (default),

  • Non-iterative contextual dissimilarity measure, provided by LocalScaling with method='nicdm',

  • DisSim Local, provided by DisSimLocal,

which represent the most successful hubness reduction methods as identified in our paper “A comprehensive empirical comparison of hubness reduction in high-dimensional spaces”, KAIS (2019), DOI. This survey paper also comes with an overview of how the individual methods work.

There are two ways to use perform hubness reduction in scikit-hubness:

The former is the common approach, if you simply want to improve your learning task by hubness reduction. Most examples here also do so. The latter may, however, be more useful for researchers, who would like to investigate the hubness phenomenon itself.

All hubness reducers inherit from a common base class HubnessReduction. This abstract class defines two important methods: fit and transform, thus allowing to transform previously unseen data after the initial fit. Most hubness reduction methods do not operate on vector data, but manipulate pre-computed distances, in order to obtain secondary distances. Therefore, fit and transform take neighbor graphs as input, instead of vectors. Have a look at their signatures:

def fit(self, neigh_dist, neigh_ind, X, assume_sorted, *args, **kwargs):
    pass  # pragma: no cover

def transform(self, neigh_dist, neigh_ind, X, assume_sorted, return_distance=True):
    pass  # pragma: no cover

The arguments neigh_dist and neigh_ind are two arrays representing the nearest neighbor graph with shape (n_indexed, n_neighbors) during fit, and shape (n_query, n_neighbors) during transform. The i-th row in each array corresponds to the i-th object in the data set. The j-th column in neigh_ind contains the index of one of the k-nearest neighbors among the indexed objects, while the j-th column in neigh_dist contains the corresponding distance. Note, that this is the same format as obtained by scikit-learn’s kneighbors(return_distances=True) method.

This way, the user has full flexibility on how to calculate primary distances (Euclidean, cosine, KL divergence, etc). DisSimLocal (DSL) is the exception to this rule, because it is formulated specifically for Euclidean distances. DSL, therefore, also requires the training vectors in fit(..., X=X_train), and the test set vectors in transform(..., X=X_test). Argument X is ignored in the other hubness reduction methods.

When the neighbor graph is already sorted (lowest to highest distance), assume_sorted=True should be set, so that hubness reduction methods will not sort the arrays again, thus saving computational time.

Hubness reduction methods transform the primary distance graph, and return secondary distances. Note that for efficiency reasons, the returned arrays are not sorted. Please make sure to sort the arrays, if downstream tasks assume sorted arrays.